The Celts in Central Europe
32,00 €
1 készleten
Proceedings of a conference held at Székesfehérvár in 1974. Twenty-three of the papers are published, covering a wide range of topics (artefacts, art, burial practices, cemeteries, chronology, settlements large and small, and regional and ethnic studies), nearly all relating to Europe east of the Rhine; but A van Doorselaer (79-84) reports on excavations at the Late Hallstatt hillfort on the Kemmelberg in W Flanders. Of specific pertinence to Britain and Ireland are the discussions of decorated sword-scabbards by P-M Duval (9-13); of Early La Tène pony-harness by W Dehn (107-8); of Celtic oppida by J Neustupný (137-8); of circular or octagonal sanctuaries by J B e (139-41); of acanthus-derived Celtic ornament by O-H Frey (199-201); of the continuity of Celtic modelling in stone and bronze from the Iron Age into the Roman period in Pannonia by E F Petres (225-34); and of Bohemian Viereckschanzen (square-plan cult-sites) by J Waldhauser (235-44).
1 készleten
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